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Process Apps and the Future of Business Processes: Speaking with Romeo Elias

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Listen to my podcast with Romeo Elias, the Founder and CEO of Interneer, Inc. Romeo Elias is a BPM expert and in this podcast we discuss the recent announcement from Interneer about Smart Mobile Apps, their system to enable the creation of customized, true native iOS applications for enterprise use.

Schooff: Hello, this is Peter Schooff, Managing Editor at and today I have the pleasure of speaking with Romeo Elias, the Founder and CEO of Interneer, Incorporated. He’s an experienced software executive, BPM expert, patented inventor, and entrepreneur advisor and today we’re going to discuss a recent upcoming announcement from Interneer, which is about apps for business processes, which at we found really interesting. So first of all Romeo, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast.

Elias:: Thank you, Peter, I appreciate it.

Schooff: So as I’ve prefaced, I found your announcement very interesting. Can you just give me a quick overview of the world of apps for business processes as it is right now and then going forward?

Elias:: Absolutely Peter. The thing that we have been observing in the market, specifically, with the advent of mobility and the whole mobile world is that it’s been very, very disruptive, as you probably know. And today, there are more mobile devices in the world than there are people. This year the sale of tablets and smart phones has exceeded desktops and PCs. Everything is transforming mobility for a day-to-day employee is no longer an option. It has become something that they need to have access to no matter where they’re at.

At the same time, if you look at how mobility has changed the expectation of people and then how they deal with apps, what you’ll notice is that there’s this expectation now that they have to be accessible from anywhere, that they’re very ubiquitous. They have to be very easy, very simple; they do certain things very well. They’re not these complex things that do everything as we’re used to with enterprise apps in the office. And so at the same time, people can download any app they want, they can customize apps, they can get apps that empower them to build things, and change things.

And if you look at what we do with our smart mobile phones today, it’s funny to me that 20 years ago people would say I don’t even know how to program my VCR. Whereas today, they have this massive computer on their phone and they do so many things with it. So this whole self-service nature of it has also become ubiquitous and people just — they expect that they can learn things and do things themselves, and not always have to be relying on experts, and programmers, and so on.

So all those things have changed the expectation on how we deal with apps and specifically business apps. So business apps from a business user standpoint, the expectation is that they have to be easy to use, they have to be easy to change and deploy, they have to be accessible anywhere and ubiquitous, and they also need to access their backend data and systems so that they’re not standalone, something that is completely sitting on an island. And when you look at companies and what options they have today, there’s some limitations and gaps in the market and has the ability to access these kinds of apps and to deploy these for their employees and users and who isn’t able to and this is kind of part of the problem that we’re trying to solve.

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Interneer Named by KMWorld as One of 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

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Los Angeles, CA, March 3, 2014 – Interneer, Inc., a leader in Business Process Management (BPM) software for process automation applications and Smart Mobile Apps, today announced that it has been named to the 14th annual KMWorld Magazine list of 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management. The Interneer Intellect BPM platform was recognized for enabling organizations to easily and quickly build new generation business apps with robust mobile enterprise capabilities.

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Interneer Announces Intellect MobileApps, Easily Build and Manage Native Apps on Any IOS Device for Enterprise Use.

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Interneer, Inc., a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM) software for process automation applications, today announced Intellect MobileApps that enables business users and IT to easily build and manage native “Smart Mobile Apps” on any iOS device for enterprise use. Smart Mobile Apps are integrated with back-end systems and enterprise applications, deliver enterprise level security with Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) capabilities. Designed specifically for midsized companies and departments of large enterprises, Smart Mobile Apps improve the productivity and efficiency of employees in the field, and customers, partners, suppliers and others who need access to vital enterprise data on the go.

For more information. Click Here.

Interneer Announces Disruptive and Simplified Pricing Model for its Cloud Based BPM Platform

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Interneer, Inc.a leading provider of Business Process Management (BPM) software for process automation applications and “Smart Mobile Apps,” today announced a new, disruptive and simplified pricing model, as well as a “free community” option for enterprise clients.

To increase operational efficiency and productivity beyond the enterprise, organizations with an enterprise license can extend apps built on the Interneer Intellect BPM platform to customers, partners, suppliers and others at no additional cost – clients only pay for internal users.

Organizations can create a library of apps for enterprise use starting at $45 per user per month in the cloud, and $30 per user per month on-premises; pricing for a single app starts at $15 per user per month in the cloud, and $10 per user per month on-premises.